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Building & Construction

Our building and construction specialists have a wealth of knowledge assisting various businesses around Victoria from large scale developments to smaller business operators and sole traders.

We are here to assist you in navigating the ever changing industry. Whether you’re a local residential property developer, a local trade business or a multinational construction company, you need an adviser that understands your industry.

Our specialist services include:

  • Compliance matters
    We will ensure all compliance matters are taken care of, including income tax returns, activity statements and taxable payments annual reports.
  • Business advisory services
    Our team can analyse your business to identify the shortcomings and proficiencies by comparing these to benchmarks in your industry so that we can assist you in managing your business optimally.
  • Planned construction development
    We can assist in developing each stage in the plans of development. From a simple building construction or land to a building subdivision/development.
  • Specialist GST, Capital Gains Tax and income tax advice
    We can assist you with any taxation advice you may need in your business relevant to your industry or general advice.
  • Software setup and support
    We can help you select and navigate the most appropriate accounting package for your business, as well as other programs or add-ons to optimise efficiencies in job costing, timesheets, invoicing, workflow analysis, vehicle monitoring, document management and much more.

    Key specialists

    No matter your size or experience, you need a trusted adviser to guide you through the various regulatory complexities and commercial issues to ensure a successful venture.
    If you would like to talk to our specialist team please call AFS on 03 5443 0344.


    Kieren Henderson

    Damien Palmer

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